Embrace Self-Worth

Uproot your story of being unworthy or bad.

You are a gem. Wonderfully made.

Often when I speak, I get a spark of an idea that I follow without questioning.  (It’s called intuition, and I’ve been loving expanding my trust of mine).

At one event, I spoke out loud every single way I failed, was embarrassed, fell short from middle school through college, as a way to normalize the feelings students had. 

It included lighthearted high school drama like getting caught t.p.ing a teacher and showing up at both proms with the same dress as another girl. It included some more difficult experiences like failing important exams, being dumped twice, and gaining weight in college. 

My question to the group: Can we embrace our goodness despite all the ways we’ve fallen short?

Moment of Truth – after that talk, I experienced a vulnerability spiral. I realized afterward that my own answer to that question was NO. I couldn’t embrace my goodness despite the ways I’d fallen short. I took this to my Mindset Coach.

Over time, I took another step – to shift my belief from “bad” to, Perhaps, OK. From Perhaps, OK to OK. From OK to Kinda Good. And on and on until I get to “Good”, “Beloved”, “Brilliant”.

Sometimes a small shift can be as simple as accepting compliment fully, without comment. Try it this week.

My belief of unworthiness continues to show in different ways as I expand my expectations of life.  Each time I encounter it, I must intentionally pause to dig it out and allow the Creator to plant new seeds of worthiness deep in my soul.

May you do the same.

Here’s your trowel,

💛 Liz


The Feelings State of “Why”