The Imposter’s Golf Voice

…I caught it.…It kept going.

“You look like an idiot!”
It was just a swing and a miss. ⛳️
Yet, the words were instant… Fearful of looking bad and inept.

“You’re taking too long! Everyone is waiting on you! Just do it already!”
My rapid-fire Critic in full-motion.


These words never leave my mouth for someone else, but I speak them fluently, second-nature in my head to myself.


But this week I caught it. I stopped and took a short break. And then I began again.

That’s all there is to do.
🔺 Catch our Self-Condemnation.
🔺 Pause + Give Grace
🔺 Begin Again.

My friend, it is only a swing, a stutter, a slip of the tongue, a misstep.
It’s not your life sentence….
…. (unless you keep letting it be).

You are more than your swing and a miss.
Even when it happens 6 times in a row.


P.s. “Fore!”

Meet Wilma - Imposter Syndrome


The Story’s End