
It was one of my first sessions with a Mindset Coach in 2020, I stated I had the goal of gaining “agency” (my word of the year). 

She said immediately: “You already have it.” 

I braced to her words. 

If I have it already, then this life is B.S., I thought. 

What I didn't know then but know now is that CHOICE is covered by our fears and habits.

We each have CHOICE. 

We don’t allow ourselves to own CHOICE but, instead, give it away.

We hide from what we really want and blame our clients, kids, partners, family, colleagues, situation for the things we don’t like.

In that session, 3 years ago, I described my life to date as a trickle down the mountain that conformed and flowed around the terrain placed before it.

But like a watershed, I was starting to feel that I was picking up additional flow and power. And for the next phase of life, I needed to be willing to flow regardless of the terrain. Embracing “agency” meant being willing to let myself flow in full strength, even when it changed the riverbank around me that has historically shaped me.

What it called me to was allowing myself to move quickly, fully, and not pause to assure everyone was comfortable around me (my default stance) but to trust that our relationship could endure me stopping pretending I have no needs as the responsible and accommodating nice girl.

Are you willing to use your authentic choice and shape the bank around you? 

Flow on, my friend.


p.s. This is the first of an EKHart post. A new style of sharing for me that includes a story from my own mindset journey and a piece of art I’ve made while reflecting on personal development. These pieces were originally only for me - and recently I’ve noticed a stir to share. So I’m giving it a go.


The Right Experience


“Fixer” is a Mindset Block